Selecting an Assigned Authority

If you have been assigned an authority from others, you can choose their authority to manage their transactions and other operations on their behalf in their absence. For example, user A assigned to user B his authority to approve his transactions in his absence.

To select an assigned authority:
1. Select the Authorities tab;
Under the Change your Authority section, there will be a list of authorities assigned to you initially, and possibly a list of users who have assigned their authority to you.
2. Either select one of the authorities initially assigned to you, or select the user who has assigned their authority to you from the Assigned Authorities list;
3. Click the authority of the user you wish to assume control of.
The Home page of the assigned user appears.
So, to approve Graeme Jameson's transactions, Susan Farley selects Account Holder from the Your Authorities list.

Once you assign your authority to others, when they login, they can select and use ProMaster to verify transactions and other tasks on your behalf. For example, when user B logs in, she can verify and make expenses on behalf of user A, while he is away working hard at the conference

To return to your authority, from the Authorities tab, click Reset to Myself in the Assigned Authorities list.
· You cannot approve (or even view) your own expenses if you are assigned your Supervisor's authority.
· An assigned authority cannot be re-assigned.
· ProMaster keeps an audit trail of transaction history, irrespective of assigned authority.

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