The Account Details tab

This tab allows the user to enter, modify and view Account details. For example, when the Account address changes. Typically, this information is set up during initial configuration and does not need to be modified again.

To modify Account details:
1. Select the Admin tab then select the Account Details option from the left-hand side of the page;
2. From the Account Details tab, activate the Record Claim Region? flag if necessary;
If this flag is not activated, the Region field will be hidden from users.
If this flag is activated, you have the option for defining a default Region for the Account type (see Step 3 below).
3. Select the Default Claim Region for the account from the list on the right;
If no selection is made for this field, the Region field is left blank on the user's view.
4. Enter/Modify the rest of the details where necessary;
If the Transaction Masking option has been switched on, the Transaction Masking? flag will be activated.
If the dispute function is being utilised, the information provided in the Dispute Details section will default into the Dispute Fax.
5. Click Update Changes.
The Region field is validated against the Region reference table (see Regions). If the Region field in the User tab of the User profile (see Creating and Modifying Users) is populated, it overrides this field.

Inlogik Pty Limited