The Parameters tab

This tab allows the user to view and modify the Anchor Account and Customer Number. This information is obtained from the client's Account Provider.

An Anchor Account represents a central account to which payments are made for a group of accounts.

To modify Account parameters:
1. Select the Admin tab then select the Account Details option from the left-hand side of the page;
2. From the Parameters tab of the Account Details page, modify the Company Code/Anchor Account/Customer Number values;
3. Click Update Changes.

The anchor account's customer numbers are utilised by ProMaster to ensure that the client is able to load only its own files into ProMaster. Transaction files with any other Anchor/Customer Numbers will be rejected by ProMaster.

By default, ProMaster provides listing for only one Anchor Account. If the client has multiple Anchor Accounts (i.e. multiple billing), then an update should be requested from their Account Manager if multiple billing is not supported by the Account Provider. The Delete? flag will then appear.

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