The Implementation tab

Set configuration ...
To ...
Cash Advance Acquittals
Provide the Account Holder the ability to acquit Cash Advance transactions by being able to enter multiple receipts against the Cash Advance transaction.
Vendor Ordering
Turn on the Vendor Ordering module.
Vendor Order Validation
Apply Vendor Order validation when submitting a linked order.
Directory Security
Restrict the EC to select files from the base directory.
Multi-Merchant Claims
Allow the addition of a separate merchant for each line item on a claim expense.
Create Order Templates
Allow order templates to be created for Vendor orders. This allows a user to create a template for items frequently purchased. This is only applicable if Vendor Ordering is switched on.
Allow Part Supply
Allows, when matching an expense to a transaction, for a part of the expense to be matched to the transaction and the remaining part to be either carried forward (on a separate expense) or discarded.
Request For Quotes
Allow requests for quotes to be created. For Procurement module only.
Set Db Date Format
Set required DATE FORMAT for SQL SERVER.
Single Sign On (SSO)
Allow users to log into ProMaster without having to enter logon details, provided already logged into the network and the valid network account already exists in ProMaster. IIS must be configured for SSO for this feature to function correctly (see the Technical Manual for details).
User Defined Employee Search - ProMaster Users
Perform a profile search of ProMaster users when adding participants to breakdown expenses.
User Defined Employee Search - HR
Perform a HR search when adding participants to breakdown expenses.
Strong Passwords
New passwords must be more secure and harder to be compromised. When off, the password is case-insensitive with a minimum of 6 characters. When turned on, the password is case-sensitive, must have alpha-numeric characters, must have a minimum of three numbers and one special character. The length is then determined by another configuration switch.
Web Activities
Hide Activities from Web Admin menu.
Audit Function
Turn on HR Auditing functionality.

Inlogik Pty Limited