The Additional Windows Update tab (Optional)

Enables monitoring and reporting on details of ProMaster expenses to ensure that any transactions with strategic suppliers are occurring at the negotiated rates. The expense screens in ProMaster have been enhanced to capture this information to facilitate the Procurement departments reporting and analysis.

To set the additional windows to facilitate this:
1. Select the Admin tab then select the Expense Setup option from the left-hand side of the page;
2. Select the Defined Windows tab;
3. From the Expense Setup page, click on the associated Edit Detail Window icon;
4. From the Defined Windows Edit page, select the required Additional Data window from the drop-down list;
5. Click Update Changes then Cancel;
6. Select the Additional Windows Update tab;
7. From the Expense Setup page, click on the associated Edit Detail Window icon of the Additional Window drop-down list in question;
You cannot add anymore drop-down lists as they are configured on setup. If you wish to do so, contact your ProMaster consultant.
8. Maintain the drop-down lists, in this case two, with the use of the Add and Delete buttons;
Most additional windows consist of more than one drop-down list, except for Booking Method and Carrier.
9. Click Cancel.

Inlogik Pty Limited