Cash Acquittals (Optional)

This section details how you process cash advance transactions in ProMaster.

Cash advances are card transactions that have been transacted for cash (for example, using a credit card to draw cash from an ATM).

To acquit a cash advance transaction:
1. From the list of transactions `Waiting Accountholder' click on the associated Verify Transaction icon;
You can access the transaction list either from the Home page or the Transaction Search page.
Notice the message stating that the transaction being verified is a Cash Advance and requires acquitting.
2. Enter the necessary details;
3. Click the Add Item button if necessary;
Note: In acquitting a cash advance transaction, you must acquit it for the full amount i.e. the total of all expense items must total the full transaction amount.
4. Click Submit to process the expense items.
Click Save to save the expense without processing any items.
To delete an expense item, activate the Delete? flag to the right of the item line that you wish to delete. The deletion(s) will occur when the Save or Submit button is clicked.

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