Expense Setup

Expense types are both a method of giving GL accounts more recogniseable names as well as restricting access to accounts. In effect, an expense type is an alias that represents a set of General Ledger codes and tax information.

Expense types for employee expenses are the same for all users company-wide. You control access to GL accounts for all users by virtue of creating an expense type for a particular Account or not. Multiple GL accounts can be assigned to one or more expense type labels which allow for the distribution of costs across GL accounts.

Expense types can been assigned to each account type in the system allowing you to set up coding rules for personal claims, P-Card or T-Card expenses. These can then be further broken down by participant types, breakdown values and breakdown options.

The Expense Setup page holds an editable list of expense types, their descriptions, default, tax codes, default GL codes, as well as any User messages and detail breakdown windows.

The Expense Types tab

The Participant Types tab

The Defined Windows tab

The Defined GL Alloc. tab

The Additional Windows Update tab (Optional)

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