Assigning Security Access Rights

Assigning security access rights to a user in ProMaster is equivalent to assigning a role to that user. There are seven security access rights you can assign to a user, which also affects the functions they can perform within the application.

To assign user access rights:
1. Select the Admin tab;
2. From the Administration page, select the User List option on the left;
3. From the User List page, specify Search Parameters to refine your list of users you want to assign security rights to;
See "Searching for Users"
4. Click the associated Edit User Details icon for the user;
5. From the Profile Edit page, select the Security tab;
6. Move the security access rights you require to the left pane using the left directional arrow button;
7. Click Update Changes.
If you are assigning Admin Centre Controller or Financial Official security access to the user, you will be prompted to assign the Admin Centres they will manage (see Re-setting User Passwords).

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