Importing Transactions

ProMaster uses a two-stage load process for loading of transactions. The first stage load activity is called Import Statement File (e.g. Import MasterCard Statement File) and loads the transactions into a loading table. The second stage is called Import Statement Data and takes the transactions from the loading table that can be matched to an Account Number in ProMaster, and processes the transactions according to the specified Import Rules.

Import activities, like all other ProMaster activities can be scheduled, so that the activities can be run at a more convenient time, or on a regular basis (see Activity Schedule (Optional)).

To import transactions into ProMaster:
1. Select the Admin tab;
2. Select Activity Parameters from the Activities section on the left hand side of the page;
3. Select the appropriate import activity from the activities list;
4. In the Parameters section in the bottom half of the page, click in the Directory field;
The right hand pane will now provide a list of available directories.
5. Navigate to the appropriate directory containing the import file;
If required, change the File Extension field to match the extension of the Import file (typically *.dat or *.txt)
Ensure the New Extension field has a value like "old" so that after import, ProMaster renames the file to *.old so that it cannot be imported again accidentally.
Note: There is configuration available for multi-database instances that prevents a user accessing unauthorised data from another database.
6. Click Update Changes to ensure any changes made to the parameters are saved for re-use;
7. To begin the import process, ensure the Import Statement File activity is selected and click Process;
ProMaster will now load the transactions from the import file into the loading table in the database.
If the transaction file is in error, ProMaster will indicate the error in the activity log.
8. Select the Import Statement Data activity;
Ensure the import rules for this activity are correct and up to date (see Import Rules);
9. Click Process to initiate the second stage import activity.

The other available buttons on the Activity Parameters page:

· Stop - Rolls back whatever the activity processed up to the point the button was depressed. Useful in the case of unintentionally running an activity.
· Disable - Disables an activity. One way it can be used is to prevent the running of activities that are only used occasionally, thus preventing unintentional activation.
· Reset - Resets the Status of a "Disabled" activity.
· View Log - Brings up the most recent activity log for an activity.
To view any other activity log related to an activity, see Activity Log.
· Running Details - Allows you to view the activity log being generated in real-time. Useful when checking on an activity that is taking an unusually long time to complete.
· Import Rules - A set of rules that dictate how transactions are treated in a transaction data import.
· Refresh - Refreshes the Status column of the list of activities.

Inlogik Pty Limited